Semper Gumby (Always flexible)
0 Comments Published by Durand on Thursday, April 06, 2006 at 11:04 AM.

Today was a strange day, I must admit...but 'it's sorted' as they say over here (meaning it all worked out). We were beginning our first songs during lunch at a local restaurant (very 'posh' or fancy) when the owner of the building (not the restaurant owner that had invited us, who wasn't there) kept saying it was too loud (which it wasn't). Not wanting to burn any bridges for our friends at the Open Arms Church, we decided to punt the music, but to wait until lunch was over before we packed up (so we wouldn't look like we ran off in a huff).But here's the part that God 'sorted' for us; 2 different ladies came up and asked if we going to play some more. When we explained what happened, they were both very disappointed. So we had young Jason grab his guitar and sing a couple of his songs (he really is gifted). I couldn't resist the fun, so I grabbed my guitar and joined in (we had a blast...a very quiet one, but a blast none the less). So we gave a private concert right there for these 2 ladies. Come to find out, Open Arms has been trying to connect with both of them for a few months, and they just happened to be there! One of them has a degree in Divinity and teaches theology at a local!
One of the missions groups I work with, Global Mission Project, has a great motto: 'Semper Gumby'...I think it's Latin for 'always flexible'. I am so thankful that we stayed around and allowed God a chance to show off for us!
Tonight we went into town and checked out some local venues. We are doing a workshop at the church tomorrow night, but we're gonna go 'busking' afterwards. Tony and I popped into one joint tonight and as a result, we're going back tomorrow after the workshop and play for these folks.
It just goes to show that it never goes as it's all planned, but thankfully the Father is never surprised!
Love you...continue to pray!!
-George Vinson
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