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I was reading about some of the dark chapters in David's life. Greed, immorality, deception, even murder. With such a dark backdrop as this, Psalm 51 shines like a diamond of hope for folks like me. I've put it to music and you can watch me stumble through it on the video included. I started these words years ago, but today the pieces of words, melodies and chords just fell in place.
Be gracious to me by your loving kindness
And by your great compassion blot my sin
Wash me through and through from my iniquity
For only by your grace am I forgiv'n
Against you, you only have I sinned and done what's evil
You're justified and blameless when you judge me
Lord, I was born and raised in sin
But you desire to see the truth within me
Search me O God and know my heart
Try me O Lord and know my thoughts
And see if there be
Any wicked way in me
And lead me in the way of everlasting
O God, search me
©2006 N.D.Robinson
"Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for. Through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil." Pr. 16:6. Thanks be to God for his gift of love and faithfulness in Jesus' life, death and resurrection.
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