I've been writing songs all my life. Some have been recorded or published. A lot have found their way to a stage here and there. But most of the time, I find myself writing for God, for the three big green overstuffed couches in my living room and myself.
Don't get me wrong. My journey with God can be traced in the words of my music. It's one of the most valuable things in my life to share my heart with Him as I write. But I'm often motivated to write songs out of the conversations I have with a stranger or a friend. When the relational element is removed, songwriting turns into a self absorbed, pointless exercise in rhyme and meter, at least for me.
I've actually tried to give up writing this past year. But like Twain said about smoking, I find giving up songwriting easy to do only because I've done it a thousand times. A day, or a week or even months later, I catch myself with an idea I've got stuck like a splinter in my brain and can't shake it until I've worked it into a song.
I'm finding time to love God more deeply these days. I don't even mind having him as the only one in the audience near as much. But I'm meeting a lot of interesting people here in Denver. And their stories bring me a lot. May God give me the creative discipline to share the journey in my songs beyond the walls of my living room.

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