Songwriting is still alive and well on CMT
0 Comments Published by Durand on Friday, February 09, 2007 at 9:12 PM.

We're staying in an apartment that currently has Country Music Television. I didn't realize I was a country music fan until I realized that the songwriters have migrated there. The ones that still know how to tell a story and make it irresistable with the kind of music the story deserves.
Fun stuff. I felt like I was home the other night. (True confessions) We'd just watched American Idol (I've since repented.) I looked at Ruth and said I'd never make the cut if I would audition, and it would probably so humiliate me I'd stop singing all together.
Then later that night, I saw Crossroads on CMT with Brad Paisley and John Meyer playing together. It was wonderful watching them playing on each others tunes. Then, don't ask me why, but Meyer turns to the interviewer and said, he was in the shower singing recently and realized he'd never survive the American Idol cut. OK, so that's where the similarities between John Meyer and I end... but I can dream, can't I?
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