On the Sport of Song Re-Writing
0 Comments Published by Durand on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 9:01 PM.

I've had songs lying around for years. Some of them weren't interesting enough for me to try and "fix". But others have taken on new life and meaning because I was willing to come back to them and work out the kinks.
I was reading an article by Steve Cook on revising your own songs. Very interesting reading, I must admit. I've always had trouble being objective about my music, but this little lecture outline included some questions on diagnosing your songs that seem quite helpful. Here are a few of them. (Click here and you can download the entire article yourself.)
Is the song focused? Are there unclear phrases? Is the opening line strong. Does the music match the lyric? Is it easy to remember without being "run of the mill".
All that said, I still believe there's nothing better than having someone else you trust and respect to listen to your songs and give feedback. Not just anyone mind you. A lot of people are so "wow'd" by anyone who even attempts to write that they'll tell you it's great even when it's not. Some won't tell you because they don't like criticism; giving it or taking it.
But finding someone who can help you re-write is like finding a tennis partner who's at least as good as you. Play with them, and you'll only improve your game whether you win or lose.
Tennis anyone?
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