This next song is a personal story really. I think of it every time I have to move. As we'll be leaving Denver this weekend for Birmingham, Alabama, I was reminded of the time we'd first moved to Ireland.
Home is a strange concept really. It's not so much about where your stuff is as where your heart is. (Often the two are pretty closely connected.) Anyway, it was our third week in Dublin, when as I sat there enjoying my first cup of coffee, a songwriting contest was announced on the radio (the Gaye Byrne Show for those who'll remember.) The song had to be written on the spot and then entered over the phone within the hour. I never got a chance to play the tune because the line was always busy, but I've enjoyed it as much as any song I've created.
It always takes me back to my first discovery of the sea (50 meters from our house), the hillsides south of Dublin, the abundance of children in Ireland and most of all the friendliness that welcomed me and my family to our new home.

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