Note: If you're not an instrumentalist, this post will make no sense to you. You'll think I've gone off the deep end (which is probably true). But if you're a guitarist, I think you'll relate.
I've been blessed with a good guitar since the time I bought my first Martin D-28 for $350 from a girl who'd owned it for a couple of months and then discovered the strings "hurt her fingers".
I thought I was set for life. Unfortunately, on my move to Ireland about 12 years ago I discovered Lowden guitars. I heard a singer/songwriter like myself at a festival doing a soundcheck and couldn't believe my ears. I went over the sound man and asked what processing he was doing to make that awesome sound. He looked at me like I'd insulted his mother and said, "That's a Lowden. You don't put anything on one of those. You just set everything to flat and let the guitar do it's thing."
Now I'm a missionary, I'm basically a skin-flint, and I don't spend money to fix things that aren't broken. There was no logical need for my kids to go hungry so that I could have a second great guitar. I dismissed my urge as selfish and told myself to get over it. End of story, or so I thought.
One of my buddies from the States decided to purchase a Lowden as an investment during a visit with me, so we went up to the factory and hung out with George (Lowden). My buddy didn't know much about guitars so I got to choose. We fell in love with a beautiful double O-25 jumbo. I couldn't play a wrong note. It literally took my breath away.
We took it home, and every time I played it I'd create new song ideas. Seriously. When it left with my friend, I have to say I was heart broken. But on my next trip to the States, he asked me to use it for the tour and find a buyer for it. I relished the time I got to play it, but reluctantly and dutifully sold it to a friend at a supporting church of ours in Alabama.
Over the next years, each time I'd come to the church I got "visiting rights" because he'd let me use it to lead worship at the church. I'd always try and fool myself into thinking I was simply exaggerating its virtues (I NEVER exaggerate!) but every time I'd play it, I'd fall in love all over again.
Then last spring during one of my visits there, my friend shows up to lunch and offers the guitar to me as a gift. I thought he was joking. He'd been planning to give it to his son, who, unbeknownst to him had already purchased a high-end Taylor. I told him I couldn't in good conscience accept the guitar until he'd spoken to his son. He said he would, but in the mean time offered it to me for the duration of my stateside assignment.
And so here I am, falling madly in love with this guitar. The song ideas haven't come to me this abundantly in years. I don't know what the outcome will be. I may be setting myself up for even bigger heartbreak, but at least I'm planning to make the most of our time together.
To be continued...

My friend, I know EXACTLY what you mean about this strange love affair with a piece of wood with metal strings!
I can't wait to hear some of these newly-inspired songs!