songwriter sessions

sharing a passion for writing songs

Music Video: The Way it Goes Down

I wrote the lyrics to this tune many years ago, but was never happy with the music accompaniment I was trying to force myself to write in. Then last year I picked up the lyrics after listening to some of my favorite old school rockers and the chords and melody just came together.

Why is it that we're better at self-destructive tendencies than healthy ones? This tune is not exactly a "hey let's listen to "The Way it Goes Down" and get cheered up" kind of song. But then neither are the stories Ecclesiastes from the Bible. But God used them in my life to help me recognize that the world is broken and only he can make it right.

This is for all of us who can see ourselves or someone we love in one of the stories.


1 Responses to “Music Video: The Way it Goes Down”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    yup...i think i know all three of them ! lead on with the good music durand

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