Here's a new song, inspired by the sermon from we heard by Jay Pathak here in Denver. It was one of the more unusual songwriting experiences I've had. Usually I get the chorus first and then move through the rest of the song. But this time, the verse and bridge came almost immediately at the beginning of the week. But it wasn't until today that the rest of it came into place. (If you don't want to hear it, I've put the lyrics here for you to read through.)
I'd appreciate your feedback. The arrangement is basic. The recording is the second time I'd played all the way through it. I'd like to spend some time on it at another time.
Man In The Mirror
©2006 N. Durand Robinson
Verse 1
Plagued by my pain, I am lost and afraid
Broken and bruised by the mess that I've made
Longing for hope, but I'm helpless to change who I am.
Frightened by failures and hiding my face
(I'm) living a lie and deserving disgrace
Pretending I'm fine when I'm far from the man I should be
Hold me. I'm amazed at your mercy!
Hold me. I know where I belong
Hold me in the grip of your grace
Let me look in your face 'til the man in the mirror is gone.
Verse 2
I'm so ashamed, I don't know what to do
Wandered away from the love that I knew
Spent all I had hoping I could live life on my own
Feel like a failure who can't pass the test
The man in the mirror needs more than my best
I don't deserve more than fruit from the seed I have sown
(Still you) Hold me. I'm amazed at your mercy!
Hold me. Like a prodigal son
(Father) hold me in the grip of your grace
Let me look in your face 'til the man in the mirror is gone.
What would make me hold tight to my weakness?
Just to see when I'm weak that he's strong.
If the river of God brings forgiveness
Then I'll dive in that flood and be carried along.
Yes, I'll cling to the cross of my savior
And I'll throw myself down at his feet
For it's there that I gladly surrender
at the place where God's justice and love finally meet.
Hold me. I'm amazed at your mercy!
Hold me. When I'm weak you are strong!
(Father) hold me in the grip of your grace
Let me look in your face 'til the man in the mirror is gone.

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